About me

My name is Anita Johanna Maria Schoffelmeer. I live in Dordrecht in Nederland.

One could describe my life as being interesting, mobile, rich in experience or just plain LIFE.

Included in my movements are two immigrations to New Zealand ( 1961 and in 1971) and in between almost 6 teenage years back in my country of birth, the Netherlands.

I have 3 beautiful children who have blessed me with lovely grandchildren, of whom I am a proud oma.

In 1996 ( while still living in New Zealand) I changed direction and chose teaching as a profession, however after years in front of the class in New Zealand and the Netherlands ( I returned home in 2000) health issues called a halt to my time in front of the classroom.

My much loved and time consuming activities these days are, cooking, accompanying school groups in our National Park Hollands Biesbosch and updating my (bilingual) Blog pages.

After years of writing in notebooks and the like I took the plunge in May of 2012 and joined the many bloggers of this world. Originally I intended to keep this Blog only for my family and friends- but after a while swayed to outside 'pressure'  and here I am. Open to all. To keep my writing topics 'orderly' I have started a number of blogs - check out the links on the other page.

You are invited to read this BLOG-diary of mine - just to catch a glimpse of who I am, what I get up to and how my life is taking shape. I hope you enjoy my writings, which are a reflection of me and my thoughts at the time of writing them.

Update: As of February 2018 I have plunged into the YouTube scene. I am attempting to hone my skills and present anyone willing to watch, some videos that I put online about the places I visit, the people I meet and the enjoyment I get out of life. I'm new at this and ask for patience as I learn more about the practical and technical side of things. Feel free to join me on OmaFarAway and follow my progress.


  1. Hello Anita, just taken another look at your blog.
    I see you have quite a few guest bloggers. Nice Work.
    As mentioned on Facebook, maybe you could guest blog on one of mine.

    Feel free to ge in touch ----- brycelrae81@gmail.com


    1. Hello Bryce, thanks for your invite. I have been offline for a while as far as regular loggin gis concerned. Back again though and hoping to make 2016 a 'full on' year. Thanks for stopping by.
