Saturday, 5 June 2021

Now that's a surprise entry


Surprise, surprise! What a wonderful turn up- so needed and unexpected.

I've just re-read my last post. Bemoaning the weather we have been subjected to the past couple of months. Spring arrived like it ought, and disappeared again much to everyone's disdain. It sprung a leak.

We had been living in somber times for so long, being strikken by Covid-19, the restrictions and the ongoing cold and blustery weather. So when the bulbs appeared, everyone cheered, only to be deceived and left feeling cheated.

Low and behold, what we couldn't have imagined, was that Summer had other plans. So from 12 to 16 degrees, hail, with sleet, rain and wind, we were suddenly catapulted into summer. Up Up and Away the temperatures soared, high in the sky. Blue it was, that sky. Everywhere you looked. Strong, vibrant and full of promise.The spring flowers wilted, the birds chirped loudly and the trees dressed themselves vivid green in a quick hurry not to be caught bare and sad.

Our vaccination program seemed to have finally caught on and restrictions slowly being lifted. The hospital numbers are dwindling and the city streets filling. There is a sense of urgency and freedom in the air. Mustn't be too hasty though, my mind and heart are telling me. It's good though, to free myself from the semi isolation I've enshrouded myself in. To dare to roam and be seen to roam. I'm cautious, like the buds on the summer plants. Slowly showing what's possible.

Whatever people's opinions are, I am thrilled to have been vaccinated against this horror virus. I know are all prone to some form of illness from time to time. This just wasn't something to take lightly. Too many died dreadfully awful deaths. Too many were unprepared for what lay ahead. Ill and misinformed. 

We now know more and can take charge. Don't forget too soon what we were up against. Hold that thought that there are lonely people out there needing your attention and company. Remember being appreciative of organisations and individuals who did their all to help get us through this.

I've sighed a sigh of relief, I'm tentatively positive about the developments at hand. I'm forewarned and now armed. It'll be interesting to see what the population at large recalls and alters to avoid another 'bad' run! Sunshine on my face, breeze in my back and a spring in my step. Onward, upward and grateful.

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