Friday, 20 March 2015

Life - what a blessing

To my children
( and all those who read my Blogs)

Today just a wee note to say - Enjoy everything you attempt today.

This moment will not return, there are memories but no re-runs!

And that is the magic of life.

We get one shot at everything we do.

So do it as well as you can with the capability, knowledge and insights of that very moment.

Today I need to focus on all the jobs on my list.

I know that while writing this I am fulfilling a need to just say 'hi'. I can tick the box.

Go for it - go for LIFE.  Go for your goals and dreams.

Doesn't matter if the sun doesn't shine.

You shine and spread your warmth with all those you encounter today.

Be the LIGHT.

Be your unique YOU!


  1. Good words to live by, Anita! Thanks for encouraging us.

    You asked how you could get a signed copy of my book, The Heart of Humor. Or did you mean my first book, Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top? If you buy it through your normal vendor, then email me at jeanette(at)jeanettelevellie(dot)com and send me your address, I will send you an autographed sticker to put in the books. Easy peasy!


    1. As you said, " easy peasy". Will do Jen
