I was 8 years old and very uncertain of myself. To actually communicate with classmates was unthinkable. I was scared of saying the wrong things, expressing myself with words unfamiliar was a definite no-no! I coped, I grew, I learnt. Many will have helped me along the way, both teachers and fellow students alike, to come to grips with my new language. My parents were advised to not speak dutch at home- so we children and obviously they too, would blend in and become the model new citizens we needed to become.
I picked up the kiwi accent without any bother at all. The 'th' sound gave rise to some teasing. That, I have to say, was probably the hardest part of learning to get it right. And, following the advise my parents were given- dutch was almost never used at home. I say almost, as we still communicated by letter with family and friends- so we received letters in dutch. We had a few dutch friends - and it made for comfortable coffee and tea sessions for my parents. As children we tended to communicate in English only but we could easily understand the Dutch language.
Then we moved back to Nederland. To re-learn one's native tongue is quite a challenge. It fits like a glove- yet is feels as if one is swimming in the wrong pool. You know you can - but you doubt your ability to stay afloat. The languages mingled and became entangled. The 'new' words, the extended vocabulary, hadn't grown in the years we had been away. I had matured but my language skills hadn't. Catch up time. Does one think translate - or think in the language one speaks? I have come to realise my method is to think English and speak English when visiting Down Under. And I reverse this process when back in Nederland. I am told I have no accent in either language- which is quite a compliment. Not sure why that is- maybe the secret is, that I don't translate in my head. I use one language at a time.

I know my parents felt more part of the community as a whole by embracing the language - yet never forsaking their language by birthright. Your language: It is who you are. There is no escaping it. And why should you want to? By becoming bi-lingual it broadens one's horizon, extends one's vision and helps you understand the world around you. I work hard at keeping both languages alive. It has enriched my life in so many ways. Not to mention that my children and grandchildren all communicate in English - and not in Dutch. Next year I will have the opportunity to teach one of my grandchildren more about his heritage when he comes to visit his oma. And yes, there will be the odd Dutch language sessions to help him feel comfortable in company - so he can in some small way feel more part of the group and less and outsider.
Hi, it's Linda. So much I can relate to in this post! We moved to Canada when I was almost 4. The neighbourhood children laughed at us when we spoke Dutch so we begged our mother to speak English to us. Consequently I have an accent when I speak it. People think it's "cute" and I haven't insulted anyone by accident so that's OK.
ReplyDeleteMy vocabulary stagnated and I speak like a 4 year old or in clichés and standard phrases from 50 years ago. I don't consider myself fluent in speaking it. It's easier to read it and hear it.
When I was 9 I picked up an old Jip en Janneke book and found I could read it. When I read it aloud to my parents they couldn't believe it as I hadn't received any education in Holland and we had spoken English at home for more than half my life up until that time. My comprehension was fairly good but then the book was written for children. Magazines and news stories are a little more difficult.
My parents never lost their accents (much to their chagrin!) Personally I didn't notice their accents but that's because I was used to it. However, I can pick out a Dutch accent immediately in anyone else no matter how well they speak English or how long they've been away. I can do a fake French or Italian accent but not Dutch - how strange is that!
I love listening to people speak Dutch - sometimes I will look for videos on youtube so I can hear it. And I've had some fun times listening in to others speaking Dutch as they don't think anyone can understand them.
One thing I found when I visited Holland in '80 and '99 was that almost everyone wanted to speak English to me even though I wanted to practice my Dutch. My little cousin (5 years old!) could speak English because she heard it on the TV - she hadn't even taken lessons in school yet.
I find the accent develops when a person is about 13. I had friends who were sisters and their mother tongue was Arabic. When they immigrated one of them was 10 and the other 13. When I met them they were 14 and 17 and the younger one spoke English like she'd lived in Canada all her life and the older one had a distinct accent. It's like the "language window" had closed for the older one.
I often wish I could speak another language better - one that would come in handy like French or Spanish. My Dutch usage is quite limited!
Thank you for sharing Linda. Lovely to get a peek into your past and growth experiences. Childhood experiences leave footsteps that never fade. Even being bi-lingual I would love to speak a third language, maybe French or German. Being in Europe the opportunity is available to me to use it. Let me know how I can help you practice your Dutch- only to pleased to help fulfill that desire. xx