I've started claiming Monday as my 'at home day'. The weekend is reasonably hectic and full, the weekdays just disappear faster than the Ice cap. I somehow didn't get enough 'at home time' in to do those things a home needs to keep functioning properly. So although I'm flexible, I want to have some form of routine in my week.
Here my activities of Monday just gone! In general terms- this is how my Mondays take shape.
- up at 7:30 am - I checked my messages ( I sleep while Down Under is awake) from my children, grandchildren and friends
- Made breakfast (mine) consisting of yoghurt, walnuts, apple, cinnamon, ground ginger and sultanas and on the side a cup of tea.
- Hubby has been downstairs to get the newspaper from the letterbox in the lobby while I turned the washing machine on. White wash for my first load.
- Breakfast and paper, a joint exercise.
- Dishwasher on and stripped bed.
- First load out, dark load in - hung out on balcony
- Bathroom and toilet from top to bottom. Tiled walls and floor. Mirror too.
- Dusted in every room
- Vacuum cleaner over floors
- Hung out dark load
- Bedding in machine and emptied dishwasher
- Washed floors
- Time for coffee at neighbour's place ( letting floors dry 😉 )
- Swept gallery, watered plants ( live on the third floor of apartment building). Three bedroomed house.
- Made shopping list
- Hung out bedding
- Shopping ( 1:15 minutes)
- Emptied fridge/freezer ( a long awaited goal- desperately needed to be done)
- Prepared dinner
- Wrote Kitchen blog- yet to be completed
- Baked 30 'Eierkoeken' ( light as air saucer sized 'biscuit) for Nature Guide group evening
3 eggs, lemon zest one lemon and 150 gr sugar
Beat till fluffy ( 5 minutes on high)
Fold in 150 gr flour with 3/4 tsp B powder and 1/2 tsp B Soda
Place on baking tray* in large spoonful lots giving plenty of space ( they are rather large 9 per tray)
Bake for 10-11 minutes on ( 190 fan). Remove from baking tray with slice onto wire rack
Makes 15- super fast, super yum!
* Baking tray- place baking paper and lightly butter and flour the surface or the 'biscuits' will stick when baked.
- Computer time, made teaching resource for school groups who visit our National Park where I function as guide.

How was your day?
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