Tuesday, 22 June 2021

New chances- a fresh start?


On the 12th of March 2020 on all tv channels the people in the Netherlands were confronted with the seriousness of Covid-19 on our country. Our Prime Minister could not have looked more serious if he tried. I can imagine this being the state of disbelief when war was declared. And we were at war. Infections were increasing, fatalities were mounting and the decision was made to 'shut us down'. We too were experiencing a pandemic of unknown proportions.

Total deaths in the Netherlands due to Covid-19: 17,727 on a population of just over 17 million residents. Obviously there are Covid-19 related deaths too, like raised suicide due to mental health issues, neglected illness ( not wanting to go to a doctor during this period) to name a few.

To date there have been 13.875,172 vaccination jabs given, this includes second vaccination shots. At the height of the pandemic we had 13,066 positive tests. Yesterday 585! 

Many of the remaining restrictions will be lifted as of Saturday- with a few exceptions. In public transport we will need to keep using face masks. Distancing is still advised at 1.5 meter. Most of all, disinfecting hands is still essential. New 'healthy ways of doing things' like sneezing into elbow is desirable to keep that as the normal thing to do. I guess common sense must prevail.

Thinking back to the urgency of the hygiene measures, I can only deduct we have become complacent. Not too fussy about cleanliness as we have been in the past. A wake up call I'd say. Back to basics.

So, here we are at the brink of a new era. Like we were last summer when many rules were let go. I am hoping though, that we don't have a resurgence in September like last year. When the virus once again came home to roost. For one, I will stay vigilant. I know many in my circle will too. Let's hope we can get a grip on this virus and help it to distinction.

Let this period also be one of reflection in general. Not finger pointing. Let's not delve into the past with 'What ifs' but forge on into the future wiser ( hopefully) better prepared and less naive into thinking this won't happen again.

Most importantly, self reflection is needed. How did I react, behave, conform, assist, support and experience this period? What would I change? What did it bring me? How did I 'carry' myself throughout this time? Was I all I could be for those needing me?

I could dwell on all the losses, and there were many. I commiserate with those who have been hardest hit: The families who lost loved ones. Mourning them in remembrance would be honorable. 

Now, I must pick myself up and carry on, a new day, new chances and a fresh start! 

LIVE               LOVE        LAUGH 


Monday, 7 June 2021

The choices we make


" That was one heck of a choice I made all those years ago."

It is Monday morning and I am preparing breakfast for myself. I'll be the only one at the table this morning. The newspaper needs not to be divided into sections and there won't be the normal morning banter about the various topics in the news. 

For the first time in ages I am 'home alone'. And it isn't for the first time, but it is, baring any calamity, only temporary. 

Due to the stillness around me, private thoughts are different somehow. There are no distractions. The thought I had startled me. Subconsciously I ended up with a short conversation with myself. ALL my choices I ever made had consequenses. Choices are, is it yes or no, left or right, up or down! Black or white, no never that! Nothing is black or white. That would simplify life enormously. Wouldn't it?

Some steps one takes in life just flow from life's moments. They don't appear to have massive impact. The choices being daily issues, the clothes one choses to wear, the meals one eats, the mode of transport chosen. Just in the natural flow. Sometimes these things become mundane and habitual, A mood or person can have influence on these issues so one breaks habits and creates renewal. Making other choices. A new food regime, going vegan. Stopping with alcohol, smoking or taking up a new sport, hairstyle, clothing.

Then there are the BIG choices, relationships, friendships, career to name a few. Married? Children? Travel? I suppose in this time zone we live in it could be said, we have too many options. Was life for our grandparents simpler? Recognizable patterns and expectations? Always baring the exceptions of course.

Some families have bonus children, I have a bonus mother in law. She is 91 and has had her fair share of life experiences to fill a book with. Imagine the world at the time of her birth, 1930! She had a career, a marriage, children. Lived through the war, survived many tragic events and tries to make sense of our modern world, keeping up with the news and current state of affairs. She's well informed and independent to a fault. One could describe her as a "tough old cookie". I admire and love her. She's a true inspiration. Is she easy going? Well that's debate-able 😂! Is she opinionated? Many think so 😂! Is she wise? Definitely!

My choices would NEVER have been hers. I guess the older I get and the more evident the impact of my choices are, the more I have moments of reflexion. The more moments I am confronted with the effects not only on me, but on all those around me. It also gives me more insights into new choices I make.

I've soul searched many a time. No, this isn't an "I regret stuff" post. More a reflective moment allowing myself the space to feel the impact and results of my life's path to date. Sometimes one needs the loneliness and space to be able to do that. Unhurried and uncomplicated.

Do I wish there had been other solutions at hand? Oh yes, but they weren't. At least not ones I saw as solutions. I did what I did, when I did with the knowledge and insights I held THEN!

LIVE - LOVE - LAUGH:  Life is short, shorter than you think!

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Now that's a surprise entry


Surprise, surprise! What a wonderful turn up- so needed and unexpected.

I've just re-read my last post. Bemoaning the weather we have been subjected to the past couple of months. Spring arrived like it ought, and disappeared again much to everyone's disdain. It sprung a leak.

We had been living in somber times for so long, being strikken by Covid-19, the restrictions and the ongoing cold and blustery weather. So when the bulbs appeared, everyone cheered, only to be deceived and left feeling cheated.

Low and behold, what we couldn't have imagined, was that Summer had other plans. So from 12 to 16 degrees, hail, with sleet, rain and wind, we were suddenly catapulted into summer. Up Up and Away the temperatures soared, high in the sky. Blue it was, that sky. Everywhere you looked. Strong, vibrant and full of promise.The spring flowers wilted, the birds chirped loudly and the trees dressed themselves vivid green in a quick hurry not to be caught bare and sad.

Our vaccination program seemed to have finally caught on and restrictions slowly being lifted. The hospital numbers are dwindling and the city streets filling. There is a sense of urgency and freedom in the air. Mustn't be too hasty though, my mind and heart are telling me. It's good though, to free myself from the semi isolation I've enshrouded myself in. To dare to roam and be seen to roam. I'm cautious, like the buds on the summer plants. Slowly showing what's possible.

Whatever people's opinions are, I am thrilled to have been vaccinated against this horror virus. I know are all prone to some form of illness from time to time. This just wasn't something to take lightly. Too many died dreadfully awful deaths. Too many were unprepared for what lay ahead. Ill and misinformed. 

We now know more and can take charge. Don't forget too soon what we were up against. Hold that thought that there are lonely people out there needing your attention and company. Remember being appreciative of organisations and individuals who did their all to help get us through this.

I've sighed a sigh of relief, I'm tentatively positive about the developments at hand. I'm forewarned and now armed. It'll be interesting to see what the population at large recalls and alters to avoid another 'bad' run! Sunshine on my face, breeze in my back and a spring in my step. Onward, upward and grateful.